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NYBA Board Positions OPEN! We need your service!

We are so grateful to have a thriving and successful youth baseball program in Northfield! A critical part of that success is the many volunteers who make the association run. 

The NYBA Board is looking for people willing to serve these essential Board positions:

  • Umpire Coordinator

  • Community Rec. League Director

  • Coaching Director 

Descriptions of these positions are available on the Contact Us page of the website in the NYBA Structure.

The perks of serving on the board are many. You gain a greater understanding of how the association works and ensure that youth baseball is available and accessible  in Northfield for years to come. In addition, serving on the board covers the registration fee for one child and your DIBs hours for the season. 

Are you interested or want to know more about the positions? Current board members are here to help! 

Contact Molly, NYBA Secretary to get connected with a current board member.

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Check out the NYBA on social media for general info. & updates throughout the season.

2024 DIBS REQUIREMENTS **last updated in 2022**


The NYBA will be collecting checks for the DIBs volunteer program, requiring a commitment of 5 hours per HOUSEHOLD.  

Families are required to provide a check for $300 prior to participating in tryouts/evaluations for Travel or prior to the start of the season for Community Rec League and all younger leagues. These checks will be held during the season. 

If at the end of the 2024 season the household has completed the required volunteer hours, their check will be destroyed. However, if a household’s volunteer requirement has not been met by the end of the 2024 NYBA season, their check will be deposited into the NYBA account. Please note, if a deposited check does not have sufficient funds when it is deposited, a return fee will be invoiced to the member and/or applied to future registrations.

Volunteering is essential to any youth organization and we strongly encourage you to be involved in helping to make the season a successful one for our kids.  However, if you think your family will not be able to fulfill the DIBs requirement we are now offering a buyout option.  To participate in the buyout option, families must submit a check for $200. Buyout checks are also due at tryouts/evaluations or prior to the season and  will be deposited at the time of receipt. 

Families of rostered coaches, board members and travel team managers will be exempt from the required hours associated with DIBs.

We will be posting DIBs hours on our website under the DIBs tab as they become available. To claim tasks, you must be signed in to the same Sportsengine account as your baseball registration.

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